Monday, May 14, 2012

CoolScuplting (and DIY CoolSculpting)

Can cold remove body fat? CoolSculpting does just that, chilling your skin to reduce body fat in the area treated. CoolSculpting appears effective, reducing surface fat by between 20% and 80% over the 3 months following treatment. However, it's expensive, so I found a way that mimics the approach at home for free.


  1. It's really cool what you did! Having a big heart to share with everybody, thank you Johnathan!

  2. Jonathan ...This was an amazing thing you shared. i actually googled diy coolsculpting because I just had the actual coolsculpting done. dropped $2100. What is funny Is that I was playing around with actually icing my love handles with cold packs on one side to see if I could tell. when the lady was measuring me she did tell me that one of my sides was smaller than the other and it was the side I had iced :) I did not tell her anything but I am going to try it again.

  3. Jonathan,how are your results with DIY Coolsculpting going? I have started 2 days ago with two one hour long sessions a day. I am feeling some tenderness but the skin is not damaged or discolored. Has your progress continued?

  4. Things have gone well. My skinfold thickness on my abs is as low as I've ever had it and staying steady, so I'm happy.

  5. Jonathan,

    Can you give some insight into stock piling ice? did you make several bags or did one cover it? please let me know, im not sure if time inbetween icings (ill be in a hotel) will allow the skin to warm up and negate the effect. Please let me know anything you have noticed, i have alot to lose so i would enjoy shareing results with you

  6. I've found that my skin will stay chilled for some time after removing the bag, so I wouldn't worry about the time to refill the bag.

  7. Hi Jonathan,
    I haven't been as scientific in measuring my skin folds with calipers as you have done, but within a week I noticed my belly becoming flatter. I am a fairly thin woman, but I have noticed that if I am thin enough to have a flat belly, other parts of my body get too thin. With this DIY cool sculpting, I was able to gain a few pounds while keeping a relatively flat waistline. It is fantastic. Rather than be scrawny with a flat belly, I now have more of the hourglass figure I always wanted
    Thank you for your research, Margaret
